Weekly Messages

At Temple Emanu-El
September 24, 2020

“High Holy Day Message” | September 24th, 2020

High Holy Day Message

On Rosh Hashanah, I spent time on our Temple campus, outdoors and socially distant. With the early morning sun shining into our tent, the services delivered tranquility, poignancy. They reminded me of the beauty of the High Holidays; they felt familiar in that way. Perhaps you were there too. Or, maybe you watched our services streamed into your home. I hope you were able to connect to our community and Jewish traditions in ways that felt warm and meaningful.

I’ll admit, something is still sorely missing for me. I suspect it may be missing for you too. I miss more of the texture of our holy community. The excitement and bustle in our building as people come and go. The noise in the corridors of warm greetings after the summer. The hugs and kisses from friends. The sparkle and shine of the building clean and ready to receive us. If absence makes the heart grow fonder, then my heart has grown very fond of all the things I’ve missed at Temple Emanu-El.

Still, I am incredibly proud of the ways we have been able to connect our holy community over these holidays, through technology and innovation. Whether you joined in prayer with our clergy in your living room, received apples and honey at our driveby, or heard the sound of the shofar on our beautiful campus, we hope you felt your Temple Emanu-El alive and flourishing in your hearts.

My hope is that 5781 brings us many wonderful things. More peace, less pandemic, more love, less global warming. I pray that we will all be together in comfort and safety very soon. That we will be able to gather and pray and dance and sing freely and without worry.

In this season of reflection, I offer the following additional hopes for our community.

Let this be a year in which we commit ourselves to care for one another through social action, chesed, and acts of loving-kindness.

A year in which we recognize the sanctity of communal prayer and shared Simchas.

A year in which we remember what it’s like to come together, to see in each other’s faces joy, hope, excitement, fear, or sorrow.

Let this be a year that when our hearts ache, we reach for one another, and find someone there reaching back.

Let this be a year when we learn how much we mean to one another.

With all that we have, and all that we’re still missing, may our holy community continue to grow stronger together.

May 5781 bring you good health and much happiness.

Shana Tova,

Heather Pavell

September 11, 2020

“The Symbols of the Season” | September 11th, 2020

The Symbols Of The Season

Many of our holiday tables will look different this year. Some of us will celebrate this Rosh Hashanah with a smaller crowd and pandemic shopping difficulties might make it harder to make our normal holiday menus. But not all changes have to be bad.

This might be the year to test out new recipes or new traditions. In fact, there’s a wonderful Jewish tradition that does a great job of getting new food on the table as well.

Known as the Simanim (or symbols) of Rosh Hashanah – this tradition takes place at the Rosh Hashanah dinner table – and involves eating a whole bunch of different fruits and vegetables, and maybe a little bit of fish if you’re really interested!

The Talmud (Horayot 12a) teaches that 2000 years ago it was customary to eat squash, dates, leeks, and other foods that grew quickly on Rosh Hashanah because we hope that our good deeds will also grow quickly in the year to come. Based on that teaching, different Jewish communities have incorporated a bunch of different foods into this special Rosh Hashanah hors d’oeuvre course.

This is actually where the custom of eating apples and honey comes from, so the New Year should be sweet like the honey. Some of the Simanim are based on the way the food tastes, some the way it looks or grows, and others because of puns in Hebrew. Each one is a delicious way to start off the new year with hope, blessings, and tasty food!

If you’re interested in learning more about this tradition, you should watch the recording of last night’s 30 for 30, which focused on the Simanim. And if you’d like to bring the tradition into your home please click here.

Wishing you and your family a sweet, healthy, and symbolic New Year!
Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Jeremy Fineberg

September 1, 2020

“Ki Tetzei – Be Patient. Be Flexible. Be Kind.” | August 28th, 2020

The King Arthur Flour Company is over 200 years old. It started importing European flour for American bakers and …ahem…rose, from that time forward.

The Colgate company, which was founded by William Colgate in 1806 began not making toothpaste, rather making soap and candles.

Both Colgate and King Arthur Flour, while having been in business for centuries are adjusting to a new mode of operation that has no precedence in its history. A shortage of bread and soap and sanitizers from the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, made adjusting to this reality a significant challenge, even for these seasoned and long-standing companies.

Temple Emanu-El is 92 years old. We have seen a lot, ranging from the Holocaust,  the foundation of the State of Israel, multiple wars, and political and social turbulence. Our Temple has been a touchstone in times of tragedy and happiness. Still, COVID-19 is new to all of us and we are all adjusting and learning.

As we ramp up for the season of beginnings: new school season, the High Holidays, gyms reopening, and updated masses for gathering, let us realize that we are all in uncharted waters. None of us are experts or well versed on how to deal with regular occurrences, like weddings, B’nai Mitzvahs, or funerals in the middle of a modern-day pandemic.

The same can be said of the upcoming High Holiday season. This is not how we wanted to celebrate the of 5781 New Year with you. We, like you, wanted to put on our finest, see the familiar faces of our friends and family, and the smiling faces of security greeting us on our campus. We wanted to huddle into our sanctuary and social hall and kvetch about how cold the temperature is in the room.

We wanted to sit under our historic dome and remember back to our daughter’s Bat Mitzvah that was held in the sanctuary, our son’s wedding under the huppah or attending your best friend’s grandchild’s bris or naming in this sacred space.

We wanted to walk over in a quiet moment to the memorial wall with our father’s name on it and rub our fingers over the raised letters as if to feel the texture of their memory and be closer to our loved one, even if just for a moment.

We all are feeling a real sense of loss because of COVID-19 and the holidays, schools restarting and summer winding down are bringing all of the anxieties and worries to the forefront.

I want to share three simple pieces of counsel to help ALL of us during this time of transition.

Be patient.
Be flexible.
Be kind.

It is that simple.

Whether we have been in existence for 200, 92, or 2 years, and whether talking about starting school, shule, or work, we are all starting from scratch in many ways. We need your patience, flexibility, and kindness to navigate our way.

In the Torah portion we read this Shabbat, Ki Tetzei, we learn about the environs and situation when the Israelite’s will leave the land to enter the promised land of Canaan – modern-day Israel. They were forced to learn new rhythms, deal with changing realities and new surroundings and circumstances. My advice to the Israelites would be the same as I ager with you today.

Be patient.
Be flexible.
Be kind.

It is that simple.

As we make progress through these next steps of our lives, keep these three simple mottos in our frontal lobe and let it guide us on this most sacred journey to a better tomorrow.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner

June 12, 2020

“The Difference” | June 12th, 2020

In the Torah portion of Shelach that we read this Shabbat, twelve spies are sent out to do reconnaissance on the land they are about to enter. Predictably, there is no unanimity amongst the spies. 10 spies find the land uninhabitable because those that are currently in the land are so large, they “make us look and feel like grasshoppers.” They will destroy us. Two spies, though, Caleb and Joshua, didn’t see despair and a sense of being little. They saw hope and opportunity.

What a great metaphor for this time that we find ourselves within and a paradigm for moving forward.

We can be negative or positive; full of despair or full of hope. Personally, I keep leaning towards the direction of Caleb and Joshua and hope. If it were not for their optimism, we would never have made it to the promised land and overcome our challenges. That ethic was passed forward to King David and to Hillel and Rabbi Akiva and to Herzl and to Ben Gurion and Gold Meir and to you and me.

Let us lean towards hope and let us shape the world we will inherit full of possibilities for today and tomorrow.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner

May 22, 2020

“Sunrise-Sunset” | May 22nd, 2020

Is this the little girl I carried?
Is this the little boy at play?
I don’t remember growing older,
When did they?

Our son, Elias Gabriel, has grown up in Temple Emanu-El. The Temple building has been his second home and the congregation, his extended family.

In what seems like a blink of an eye, Elias has turned 13  years young and is celebrating his Bar Mitzvah this shabbat, tomorrow, Parashat Bamidbar. Elias will lead us in davening, reading from the Torah, and the Haftorah and sharing what this day means to him and his family.

Needless to say, this is not the day we dreamt of from when we walked him in his stroller down the Temple parking lot 13 years ago. But, it has all of the most important ingredients of a Bar Mitzvah: his attendance, his health his ability to lead, and his appreciation of the moment surrounded by his immediate family. We are sad that his three living grandparents will not be physically present nor aunts, uncles, and cousins. However, as the Talmud teaches, we are willing to sacrifice this Shabbat for the opportunity to celebrate many more Shabbatot to come.

What will make this day full and complete for our family is having you join us for this simcha. You can click here to log on at 9:00 AM EST (Elias will lead from the very beginning).

You have all been meaningful members of the village that has helped us raise our son for this moment and beyond. Having you celebrate with us via livestream will fill our hearts and raise the sanctity of the moment for Dori, me, and especially Elias. Thank you in advance.

We wish you a Shabbat Shalom and look forward to feeling your presence this Shabbat morning.

Dori and David-Seth Kirshner