The Spanish Portuguese Synagogue located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, which is one of the oldest synagogues in the United States, has an amazing Thanksgiving ritual. The morning prayer service includes selections of Psalms, like a Hallel service and other biblical passages that give thanks and appreciation in life for being Jewish in a country that celebrates diversity and different religions. The synagogue which was founded closest to the Pilgrims landing in this country has been intrinsically connected to our traditions as Jews and our customs as Americans.

The very word for Jew, Yehudi, comes from the word Hodu – which ironically has two meanings in modern Hebrew:  Turkey and Thanks-giving. Really! To me it means that the core strand all Jewish people share is a sense of gratitude, whether to God, family, friends or the many blessings that causes all of our cups to run over.

On this American and quite Jewish holiday, take time to be thankful with those that matter most in your lives. Tell them and show them your appreciation. Take time to help others in need, since that is a Jewish ethic and an American custom during this holiday season. Take time to put a smile on another’s face and bring joy to their heart. Take time to realize the blessings in life that make this day, and every day, a time for Thanksgiving to God for our full plates in addition to our full bellies.

Happy Thanksgiving. Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner