I don’t have to sell anyone in our community on the power of summer camp.  When I ask Temple parents what their kids are doing over the summer, it seems nearly everyone is going to different overnight camps.  I smile because I too spent my childhood summers at camp, which became the highlight of the year; the schoolyear was merely the long shlep back to camp.  Any overnight camp is beneficial socially and emotionally.  Camp friends often become friends for life.  And living independently of parents is valuable for self-growth.

Jewish summer camps offer all the pluses of overnight camp plus an amazingly positive religious education.  I spent my summers at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin, and the wonderful experiences I had there are shared by many who attend the local Camp Ramah in the Berkshires.

The morning prayer Ahavah Rabbah asks G-d to allow us “to understand, to learn, to teach, to perform and uphold all the words of Your Torah with love.”  Camp Ramah excels at this because camp is an immersive experience.  (I speak primarily of Ramah since I know it personally)  Kids learn how to pray because their counselors model it for them and it’s a daily experience.  Kids learn Hebrew because the buildings are referred to by Hebrew names.  Kids learn to love Shabbat as a day of rest because all of camp slows down.  Kids form a personal connection with Israel because they have personal relationships with some Israeli counselors.  There’s a palpable Avirah, atmosphere, that can’t be found any other place because everyone is together for the summer.

Of course the Temple shares these values and we do our best to teach them. But, from an educational, structural perspective, camp can do so much more because kids learn better by doing than by sitting in a classroom.

I thoroughly enjoyed my visits to Camp Ramah Berkshires and Nyack (day camp) this summer to visit some of our congregants, who assured me they’re having fun.

If you are considering a Jewish summer camp for your child next summer, I would welcome a conversation. I’m happy to find a Jewish camp that is a best fit for him or her.

We can say about Jewish summer camps what the Torah famously says about the Israelite desert camp: “Mah Tovu Ohalecha Yaakov, How beautiful are your tents, Jacob, your dwelling places, Israel.”

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Alex Freedman